Hello Emjoy Community! The results are in! We had you test your knowledge in our Masturbation Quiz and damn, you guys really know your stuff, some of those questions were tricky. Let's discover what you know in Masturbation 101.
Masturbation isn’t just fun and games. It’s our right to pleasure, and it helps us to know what we like so that we can communicate with our partners. It has so many health benefits, it feels good, and it’s a great way to explore ourselves and build confidence. In short, masturbation is self-care.
So why the quiz? Well, we wanted to bring the Emjoy community together, you’re not alone babe! We all have room to grow so why not grow together? We collected all of your answers and we wanted to give you some perspective on what we found. There’s strength in numbers and power in knowledge!
Can you masturbate too much?
We’ll keep this short and sweet: NO. You can masturbate as much as you want, there’s no limit. Actually, the more you masturbate the better you can understand your body and what you like. The good news is, 77% of us answered this correctly! The other 20% believe that we should only masturbate sometimes, and just 3% who believe you can only do it once a month. There’s a lot of misinformation out there on what is healthy for masturbation, so these beliefs are normal! But now you know: You can flick that bean as many times as your heart desires. And just for the record, sex toys like vibrators are not bad for you!

Is it healthy to masturbate?
Absolutely! Masturbation has a lot of amazing health benefits. It can decrease stress, it’s a natural pain reliever and can even help you sleep better! The list goes on, and alsoooo you can masturbate just because it feels good. The results are similar to the last question: 77% answered correctly, with 20% guessing there’s at least some benefits, and only 3% that believe it’s just for fun. But trust us, you can rest easy knowing that an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away.

How many ways can you cum through masturbation?
This was a tricky one! A lot of people don’t know that there’s only one type of orgasm: The one in the brain! Whether the stimulation is from the clit, the vagina, or even the anus, all orgasms happen in the brain. Only 13% guessed correctly, while 38% believe there are two types and half of the community believe there are 3 types. We get it, oftentimes orgasms are categorized into “clitoral orgasm” or “anal orgasm” but that’s referring the area stimulated not where the orgasm happens. Now you know!

Should you use lube to masturbate?
Lube isn’t just for partner sex. Whether you’re having sex with yourself or others, it helps reduce friction and enhances sensation! But you already know this, 95% guessed correctly while only 5% chose the alternative options. Great! So next time you’re craving some “alone time”, you won’t forget your bottle of lube.

You should only masturbate if you’re single
If you’re on Emjoy, you already know that self-pleasure is a pillar in self-love and self-care. 95% of you have the right idea *sigh* we’re so proud! To the other 5% that think differently: Regardless of your sexual partners, self pleasure is always good for you! Your sexual relationship with yourself is the first and most important one you’ll have!

Should you try new things while masturbating?
The wilderness must be explored! Think of it this way, the more new things you try, the more pleasure you can discover! 88% had the right idea with this one. While 7% just want to cum (which is totally ok) and 5% only want to try new things sometimes. Look, we’re not saying that you should be having a full BDSM self-love session every time you masturbate, but it’s good to try new positions, toys, and masturbation techniques.
Why? ‘Cause it activates your brain and body for new pleasure pathways and that’s always a good thing.
Check out How to Touch Yourself: 10 Sex Techniques for Female Orgasm for more ideas!

How do you define masturbation?
Another tricky one. Masturbation is sex, and just like sex, it’s not defined by penetration or orgasm. It is defined by our experience of pleasure through stimulating our bodies. 41% of the community guessed correctly while 32% think that masturbation is just when you touch your genitals, and 27% think that masturbation is defined by touching yourself to have an orgasm. None of these answers are wrong, but the most exact definition is what we mentioned above.

Should you masturbate while you’re on your period?
Affirmative! We’re team red over here. Masturbation and orgasms are a natural pain reliever, so if you get cramps during that time of the month it might be helpful. Also, some women experience more intense orgasms during their period. So for the 12% of you that haven’t tried, now you have your homework! 23% believe it’s something you do only if you’re really in the mood, while 65% know that it has a whole bunch of really awesome benefits.

Learn more about Masturbation with Emjoy
Well there you have it! Honestly, we’re so proud of our Emjoy community. We hope this Masturbation 101 quiz brought some insight, and helped you see that we’re not alone in our beliefs or our experiences! So often we’re misinformed about our bodies and our sex education, and at Emjoy we’re committed to setting the record straight! There’s tons of sessions on Emjoy to help you celebrate the joy of self-love through masturbation. Why not check out our Masturbation Techniques collection and get some new ideas for your next solo sesh? Or how about our YouTube video 5 Masturbation Tips to Reach Female Orgasm? And keep an eye out for more Community Quizzes coming your way!